The 17,5km Challenge starts at the mouth of the Kwelera River situated just north of East London, on a narrow gravel road, but soon ventures onto the beach where runners will be welcomed by rocks, loose boulders, stones, shingle and soft sand on the way past Rainbow Valley.

The Gonubie River, the first of two meaningful rivers to be crossed, is encountered at about 6km into the race. Runners are diverted off Gonubie Beach, past the caravan park and up a 350m hill behind the sand dune. The run down to the hotel is pleasant, while the crowds in Gonubie will lift participants all the way to Eastward Ho, where we meet up with a tricky little path, loose stones and sea sand again.

The going gets a little easier on the approach to Bonza Bay, where the Quinera Lagoon is unlikely to be open. Roughly 2km more of beach and the Nahoon River awaits, after which a few hundred metres are left before reaching the welcoming crowds at the finish

14:30 at Kwelera River Mouth

CUT-OFF TIME (halfway cut-off)
17:00 in Gonubie




The 17,5km surf ski paddle race starts at the mouth of the Kwelera River and ends at Nahoon Beach at the Finish line. The paddles need to go to the Yellow Sands Caravan park side.


CUT-OFF TIME (halfway cut-off)



The Surfers 10km is a race is setup for runners and walkers wishing to test their limits along the grueling Eastern Cape coast line.

Starting at the iconic Gonubie Hotel, this fun yet challenging race distance kicks off at 13:45 and follows the route of the 17.5km Challenge thereafter.

13:45 at the Gonubie Hotel

CUT-OFF TIME (halfway cut-off)


Please note:
The first 1500 participants to finish will receive a Surfers Challenge shirt.



The Surfers 5km Juniors race is for our young runners and walkers who are 12 years and under. We know that being active is a family affair, so we’ve introduced a brand new 5km Open race for all ages so that everyone can have fun together! This is also a great option for beginners who might not fancy the 10km or 17.5km races first time round! The race starts below the Blue Lagoon Hotel at 13:00 and follows the route towards the Bonza Bay River, turns around a marker and then heads back to finish on Nahoon Beach.



Please note:
The first 500 participants to finish the 5km Open race and the first 300 to finish the 5km Juniors race will receive a Surfers Challenge shirt.



Please note:
The first 500 participants to finish the 5km Open race and the first 300 to finish the 5km Juniors race will receive a Surfers Challenge shirt.

Terrain @ 17.5km Start

The Discovery Surfers Challenge starts at the mouth of the Kwelera River, which is situated just north of East London. The race starts on a narrow gravel road, but soon ventures onto the beach where runners will be welcomed by rocks, loose boulders and stones, shingle and soft sand on the way past Rainbow Valley.

Terrain @ Gonubie River

The Gonubie River, the first of two meaningful rivers to be crossed, is encountered at about 6km into the race. Runners are diverted off Gonubie Beach past the caravan park and up a 350m hill behind the sand dune.

Terrain @ 10km

Gonubie Hotel is the start of the 10km Race. Participants continue all the way to Eastward HO, where they will be met with a tricky little path, loose stones and sea sand again.

Terrain @ Bonza Bay Mouth

The going gets a little easier on the approach to Bonza Bay, where the Quinera Lagoon is unlikely to be open.

Terrain @ 5km

The 5km race starts below the Blue Lagoon Hotel. Participants run away from the finish line toward the Bonza Bay River, turn around at a marker and make their way back to Nahoon Beach where another daring river crossing awaits before they make it to the finish line.

Terrain @ Nahoon River

The Nahoon River is the second of two meaningful rivers to be crossed but not to worry, we have teams ready to assist and help get you through. You’ve got this, the finish line is now in sight!

Terrain @ Finish Line

A mere 500m of beach running as you sprint to the finish line where crowds are ready to welcome you! This final stretch of sand can be soft and will test you all the way to the end.